"It’s elementary, my dear Watson."
It’s going to take all of your detective skills and super sleuth abilities to find all 10 Gold Ribbons in this year’s EVGA Scavenger Hunt. So get out your fedora and magnifying glass and get to it!
Throughout EVGA’s Website you will search to find 10 Gold Ribbons. When you find a ribbon, simply click it to show 2 questions from our generous sponsors. To find the answers, click on the links to visit our partner’s websites. While you are there, we encourage you to have a look around and then come back to answer the question. It’s as simple as that! Once you discover all 10 ribbons and answer all of the questions correctly, you will be entered to win one of many great prizes being offered. Remember, you can check your status at any time by returning to this page which shows your ribbon count (must show 10/10 to qualify).
Scavenger Hunt Status
View your status on EVGA's US site. http://www.evga.com/14/scavenger/

Ribbon - Example Only

Completed - Example Only
Ribbons can be found on any page at EVGA.com with the exception of any page in EVGA.com/forums/.
You must sign up at the bottom of the page to see the ribbons.
We are giving away 3 Grand Prizes this year (one each for the Americas, Europe and Asia). You can use your EVGA Bucks on the EVGA Store for purchases of new or recertified products. Your EVGA Bucks will never expire! You can use them any time, now or in the future.
We are giving away 3 Grand Prizes this year (one each for the Americas, Europe and Asia). So what is the prize you may ask? 5000 EVGA Bucks! You can use your EVGA Bucks on the EVGA Store for purchases of new or recertified products. With our ever expanding line of hardware and accessories, you will have a field day shopping in our store! Another great thing about this prize? Your EVGA Bucks will never expire! You can use them any time, now or in the future. Good luck!
In addition to the grand prizes, we will be giving away 4 complete gaming PCs!
Full Prize List:
You can view the full prize list on EVGA's US site. http://www.evga.com/14/scavenger/
Sign up and read the Terms and Conditions on EVGA's US site. http://www.evga.com/14/scavenger/
© 2013 EVGA Corporation.