EVGA Step-Up

We’re doubling up...

If you purchase an EVGA graphics card1 or motherboard1 in the lead up to Christmas, then we’ve some unbelievable news for you.

We’re doubling our Step-Up® Program to 180 days1.

...so you can trade in and Step-Up®

If you choose to, you can trade in your newly purchased EVGA product and upgrade to a select, greater performing graphics card or motherboard2.

Just make up the difference between what you paid for the original product, and the price of the ‘upgrade product’3 as shown on EVGA’s online store (plus shipping both ways).

Still want more?

To “gift wrap” this special promotion as we head towards the holiday season… we’ve made a pretty jaw-dropping exception to our standard terms – on this occasion there’s no need to purchase EVGA’s Extended Warranty to qualify for Step-Up®!4

What are the benefits of the EVGA Step-Up® Program?

  • 100% peace of mind when purchasing a new product
  • Opportunity to easily upgrade to the latest products
  • Great value – just pay the difference (plus shipping)
  • The EVGA Step-Up® Program protects your investment

Promotion applicable on select EVGA products purchased between 16 October and 21 December 2012.

1Check the full terms and conditions as only select models qualify for Step-Up®, and only select models are available for upgrade options.

2This promotion is available 16 October to 21 December 2012, which means that product purchase must be within that timeframe. You can opt to Step-Up® within 180 days of the product purchase date, so for example, if you purchase on 01 December 2012, you can Step-Up® anytime before 30 May 2013! This special 180-day Step-Up® promotion is available to residents of EU and EEA countries, and Switzerland.

3The price of the ‘upgrade product’ as shown on the EVGA EU online store is validated on the day the Step-Up® request is received.

4You may still wish to purchase Extended Warranty to protect your product, should you choose to never use the Step-Up® option. You can find out more about Extended Warranty here: http://eu.evga.com/support/warranty/extended.asp. If you do purchase Extended Warranty, then of course you can still use the promotion special to Step-Up® within 180 days of your purchase. Find out more about EVGA’s warranties here: http://eu.evga.com/support/warranty/

Please visit http://eu.evga.com/support/stepup/ for more information on the Step-Up® Program, and our FAQ. For further assistance, email our Customer Support team at supporteu@evga.com, or phone +, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 9:00 and 18:00 CET. Or call our US support number 24/7 on +1 888-881-3842.

Article viewed: 30934 times since 10/16/2012