New EVGA Warranty

EVGA Warranty and Step-Up Program Updates

You have spoken and EVGA has listened. We are updating the terms on some of our best programs to better serve our community. EVGA will be implementing the following warranty and Step-Up program updates effective as of March 1, 2013. Please see the updates below for information on these changes.

Extended Warranties and EAR purchases now transfer to Step-Up products

  • If an Extended Warranty or EAR program is purchased on an original product and Step-Up is used then the purchased programs will transfer to the second product and the extended warranty will restart from the Step-Up date.

Option to Step-Up available when registered within 14 days of purchase

  • EVGA 3 year warranty products will have the option to process a step-up if registered with EVGA within 14 days of the invoice date by the original owner.

You now have 90 days to purchase an extended warranty!

  • The original owner has the option to purchase an extended warranty within 90 days of the invoice date.
  • The purchased extended warranty will allow for Step-Up within the first 90 days of purchase.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at


© 2013 EVGA Corporation.

Article viewed: 15033 times since 3/1/2013 12:01:00 AM