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Affronta la nuova ondata di videogiochi in assetto da guerra con le schede grafiche NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX e tuffati a capofitto nel gameplay per PC più coinvolgente. Affronta lo scontro con l'intenso realismo offerto dalle tecnologie NVIDIA PhysX®, NVIDIA 3D Vision, Surround e la potenza espandibile di NVIDIA SLI®. Potrai allora contare sulla migliore esperienza con qualsiasi tipo di gioco. Sempre e comunque.

Passa all'azione. Non rinunciare a nulla.
Acquista una GeForce GTX.

Gear Up what people are saying bar
  • The next wave of great games is coming, and they're meaner, faster, more complex, and more demanding than ever before. The hottest titles. The most intense gameplay. Don't pay full price and get only half the experience. Game with NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX graphics cards - the world's most advanced PC graphics weaponry. Take on even the most hardcore games with must-have GPU technologies like NVIDIA PhysX®, NVIDIA SLI®, NVIDIA 3D Vision, Surround, and DirectX 11 that you just can't get on other platforms. Plus, get incredible graphics performance that lets you truly immerse yourself in the games you've been waiting to get your hands on. Experience everything. Sacrifice nothing. Gear up with GeForce GTX.

  • Batman Arkham City Video

    NVIDIA PhysX

    NVIDIA PhysX technology adds an element of realism never before seen in gaming. Gear up with GeForce GTX and experience dynamic PhysX effects like blazing explosions, reactive debris, realistic water, and lifelike characters.

  • NVIDIA DirectX 11 Video

    NVIDIA DirectX 11

    Even the latest and greatest games, sometimes need to make compromises in graphics settings. Have you ever seen a character's head that looks pointy? How about a wheel that isn't round? Perhaps you have seen mountains that resemble triangles more than curved mountain tops? DirectX 11 Tessellation solves these problems, and with many current and upcoming titles featuring extensive use of DirectX 11, upgrade today and be ready.

  • NVIDIA 3D Vision

    NVIDIA 3D Vision

    A combination of high-tech glasses and advanced software, 3D Vision let's you play over 500 PC games, watch Blu-ray 3D movies, and enjoy the largest online community of 3D videos and photos



    More and more games are taking advantage of NVIDIA FXAA technology, including Battlefield 3. Gear up and add GeForce GTX to your arsenal to make sure you are ready.

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  • EVGA GTX 590

    EVGA Geforce GTX
    590 Classified

    3072MB Memory

    1024 CUDA Cores

    EVGA GTX 590 more info button
  • EVGA GTX 580

    EVGA Geforce GTX

    1536MB Memory

    512 CUDA Cores

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  • EVGA GTX 570

    EVGA Geforce GTX

    1280MB Memory

    480 CUDA Cores

    EVGA GTX 570 more info button
  • EVGA GTX 560 Ti

    EVGA Geforce GTX
    560 Ti

    1024MB Memory

    384 CUDA Cores

    EVGA GTX 590 more info button
  • EVGA GTX 560

    EVGA Geforce GTX

    1024MB Memory

    336 CUDA Cores

    EVGA GTX 560 more info button
NVIDIA Choose the right weapon

BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY software © 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Sviluppato da Rocksteady Studios Ltd. ©2011 NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA, il logo NVIDIA, GeForce e 3D Vision sono marchi e/o marchi registrati di NVIDIA Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati. Tutti gli altri marchi e diritti d'autore sono proprietà dei rispettivi detentori. Tutti i diritti riservati. Offerta soggetta a specifici termini e condizioni. Per altri dettagli, visitare Il logo della DC, BATMAN e tutti i personaggi, il loro aspetto distintivo e gli elementi correlati sono marchi di DC Comics © 2011. Tutti i diritti riservati. LOGO DI WB, STEMMA DI WB: TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s11)

Article viewed: 3239 times since 9/15/2011